Leaking leads?

We’re the only agency that can help you plug that hole and power up your business.

Watch your sales blow off the roof, generate more leads, close more deals, and build a 7-8 figure  roofing or solar empire with our marketing system.

Leaking leads?

We’re the only agency that can help you plug that hole and power up your business.

Watch your sales blow off the roof, generate more leads, close more deals, and build a 7-8 figure  roofing or solar empire with our marketing system.

Unlimited leads and appointments

Dominate your


30-day ROI




Explode your


Unlimited leads and appointments

Dominate your market

30-day ROI guarantee

Grow Effortlessly

Explode your revenue

Let's be honest, you wouldn't be here if things were perfect, right?

Let's be honest, you wouldn't be here if things were perfect, right?

You've built something solid, a business you can be proud of. But deep down, you know there's more. You see your competitors pulling ahead, leaving you feeling like you're hitting a wall.. 

You can feel the plateau forming, the frustration of hitting a ceiling. Referrals and Google ads are bringing leads, but not the flood you crave. 

You can't stop dreaming of your calendar overflowing with qualified appointments, eager customers ready to invest in their homes (and your expertise).

Stop dreaming, start doing.

Apollo Media isn't your average marketing agency. We're roofing and solar specialists, laser-focused on helping established companies like yours skyrocket their revenue. Our secret weapon? The Apollo Launch Advertising System is a powerful, proven system that generates unlimited, exclusive leads and daily sales appointments.

Here's why we’re perfect for you

No more scattershot marketing:

We ditch the generic tactics and tailor campaigns to your unique market and ideal customer.

Quality over quantity:

Forget the tire-kickers. We bring you qualified leads who are ready to buy, not just browse.

Effortless on your end:

We handle the heavy lifting, so you can focus on what you do best: closing deals.

Scalability built-in:

As you grow, we grow with you, seamlessly scaling your lead flow to match your ambition.

Here's why we’re perfect for you

No more scattershot marketing:

We ditch the generic tactics and tailor campaigns to your unique market and ideal customer.

Quality over quantity:

Forget the tire-kickers. We bring you qualified leads who are ready to buy, not just browse.

Effortless on your end:

We handle the heavy lifting, so you can focus on what you do best: closing deals.

Scalability built-in:

As you grow, we grow with you, seamlessly scaling your lead flow to match your ambition.

Our top-notch services

This is how we transform businesses like yours into dominating empires

Custom Landing Pages:

Attract customers with a modern, mobile-friendly website that converts leads.

Lead Generation Machine:

Generate a flood of qualified leads with our proven strategies.

Targeted Advertising:

Reach your ideal customers with laser-focused PPC campaigns on Google and social media.

Custom Landing Pages:

Attract customers with a modern, mobile-friendly website that converts leads.

Lead Generation Machine:

Generate a flood of qualified leads with our proven strategies.

Targeted Advertising:

Reach your ideal customers with laser-focused PPC campaigns on Google and social media.

Don't let your competition steal the spotlight.

You're a roofing pro or a solar expert, not a marketing mastermind.

That's why we are here to help you.

At Apollo Media, we understand the struggle. We've seen countless companies just like yours stuck with "meh" marketing, leaving them behind their competitors.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

We've spent years crafting a proven, exclusive advertising system designed specifically for roofing companies. 

It's not your average "spray and pray" approach. We use modern, sustainable methods that attract a flood of high-quality leads and sales appointments, day in and out. 

Apollo Media isn't a magic bullet, but it's damn close.

You're a roofing pro or a solar expert, not a marketing mastermind.

That's why we are here to help you.

At Apollo Media, we understand the struggle. We've seen countless companies just like yours stuck with "meh" marketing, leaving them behind their competitors.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

We've spent years crafting a proven, exclusive advertising system designed specifically for roofing companies. 

It's not your average "spray and pray" approach. We use modern, sustainable methods that attract a flood of high-quality leads and sales appointments, day in and out. 

Apollo Media isn't a magic bullet, but it's damn close.

What you get?

3x More Qualified Leads:

Our targeted campaigns attract customers ready to buy, not just browse.

2x More Appointments Booked:

Let us handle the lead qualification and appointment setting, so you can focus on closing deals.

40% Increase in Revenue:

On average, our clients see a significant revenue boost within 6 months.

Grab 15% more market share:

Dominate your market and leave your competitors in the dust.

3x More Qualified Leads:

Our targeted campaigns attract customers ready to buy, not just browse.

2x More Appointments Booked:

Let us handle the lead qualification and appointment setting, so you can focus on closing deals.

40% Increase in Revenue:

On average, our clients see a significant revenue boost within 6 months.

Grab 15% more market share:

Dominate your market and leave your competitors in the dust.


Unsure if Apollo Media is the right fit? Get your questions answered here!

How soon can I expect results with your approach?

It takes about 5 working days to set things up and launch your ads. You may see booked appointments on the first day after your campaign launch, but it usually takes a few days for the setup to stabilize.

We continuously refine your ads for 3-4 weeks to improve results, ensuring a steady flow of appointments. Be prepared to handle increased appointments and orders before starting the campaign.

Why focus only on Facebook? Aren't there many other ad platforms?

Different platforms yield varied results for home improvements. While some are highly competitive and expensive (like Google ads), others don't perform well.

Facebook stands out in delivering exclusive appointments for home improvements, thanks to its excellent lead quality and cost.

Our expertise in Facebook advertising and home improvements has led to unbeatable lead generation. Facebook's powerful audience tools enable precise targeting, which is why we stick with it.

Why work only with businesses generating over $500k/yr in revenue?

Our success depends on yours, and we've found that smaller businesses can become overwhelmed by the influx of new customers, halting their campaigns and our services.

Larger businesses can more easily handle the increased workload by expanding their existing processes and utilizing experienced staff.

Why do I need to qualify before working with you?

Smaller businesses may struggle to handle the leads we generate, causing them to pause their ad campaigns and our services.

In contrast, larger businesses can adapt more quickly to the increased lead flow, as they already have efficient processes and skilled personnel in place. Our growth depends on your ability to handle new business.

What if you work with a competitor in my area? Won't that hurt my business?

We ensure that we don't take on clients who compete with our existing clients in the same area. Our client qualification process checks for potential conflicts of interest.

If you're our client, we won't onboard a new client operating in your region.

If you're our client, we won't onboard a new client operating in your region.


Unsure if Apollo Media is the right fit? Get your questions answered here!

How soon can I expect results with your approach?

It takes about 5 working days to set things up and launch your ads. You may see booked appointments on the first day after your campaign launch, but it usually takes a few days for the setup to stabilize.

We continuously refine your ads for 3-4 weeks to improve results, ensuring a steady flow of appointments. Be prepared to handle increased appointments and orders before starting the campaign.

Why focus only on Facebook? Aren't there many other ad platforms?

Different platforms yield varied results for home improvements. While some are highly competitive and expensive (like Google ads), others don't perform well.

Facebook stands out in delivering exclusive appointments for home improvements, thanks to its excellent lead quality and cost.

Our expertise in Facebook advertising and home improvements has led to unbeatable lead generation. Facebook's powerful audience tools enable precise targeting, which is why we stick with it.

Why work only with businesses generating over $500k/yr in revenue?

Our success depends on yours, and we've found that smaller businesses can become overwhelmed by the influx of new customers, halting their campaigns and our services.

Larger businesses can more easily handle the increased workload by expanding their existing processes and utilizing experienced staff.

Why do I need to qualify before working with you?

Smaller businesses may struggle to handle the leads we generate, causing them to pause their ad campaigns and our services.

In contrast, larger businesses can adapt more quickly to the increased lead flow, as they already have efficient processes and skilled personnel in place. Our growth depends on your ability to handle new business.

What if you work with a competitor in my area? Won't that hurt my business?

We ensure that we don't take on clients who compete with our existing clients in the same area. Our client qualification process checks for potential conflicts of interest.

If you're our client, we won't onboard a new client operating in your region.

If you're our client, we won't onboard a new client operating in your region.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Let’s talk about your goals and how we can help you achieve them.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Let’s talk about your goals and how we can help you achieve them.

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